Privacy Policy

Thank you for using Algomage app for viewing your photos of the event. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your data and this policy explains what we collect and how we use your personal information. This policy may be amended as we release new features, or when legal requirements arise. We encourage you to review this policy from time to time to stay informed of any changes that might affect you.

1. Definitions

When we say Algomage, “we”, or “us”, we are referring to Algomage. Algomage provides users access to their event photos with the help of an application hosted and managed by Algomage - a product of Picsniff Media Pvt Ltd. Algomage collects all the user information in the following manner

2. What information does Algomage collect?

Account Information: Algomage might collect name, email addresses, phone number, your face recognition data in case you use the face search services. Photo clicked during the face recognition is not stored permanently but the face vector data might be stored for face search feature.

Log data: When you access or use our website or services, Algomage servers will automatically record log data which may include IP addresses, device and browser configurations, date and time of access, browsing times and loading errors if applicable. Usage data: Algomage may collect data on how you use the Services, such as gallery creation date and time, timestamps of communications you sent out via the account.

Information from third party services: Algomage may collect information through other services you integrate with (such as Google , Facebook accounts when used for login or sign up purposes), information collected will be all in accordance with the authorization procedures of the services.

Additional information: Algomage may collect additional information when you contact us for support, communicate with Algomage via social media channels or contact Algomage through third-party services.

3. How does Algomage collect your information?

Information you provided directly: When you visit the gallery or use the face search services, you provide account and transaction related information through your account. These may include your profile information, These may include billing/shipping information provided when purchasing from a gallery.

Information from your use of the site and Services: When you visit the website or use the Services, we collect information of your activity and usage from your interaction with the site. These may include your IP address, browser and device information, timestamps of your interactions on the site. This information is mainly collected automatically using cookies or other similar technology.

Information from other sources: Algomage may collect information from other services such as third party service providers, payment processors, or advertising services. These may include device and location information, limited information on your card used for payment, prior visits to our website, or whether you opened an email campaign.

4. How does Algomage use the information we collect?

Algomage uses the information collected primarily to provide you with the Services you signed up for and to support our legitimate interests in operating our Services and business. To provide you with the services you signed up for: Algomage will use the information you provided to enable you to create galleries, websites, to facilitate payment and order processing and any other services requested by you. This also includes sharing this information with third-party service providers in order to provide the services (such as emailing a Client). When we need to share information, we take the steps to ensure that only the necessary information is shared, and the information is protected and being used in accordance with this policy.

To maintain and improve our services: Algomage uses the information collected to analyze our site performance and measure the usage of features.

To personalize your experience and advertise our services: Algomage may use the information to conduct our advertising and marketing campaigns and referral program. You may opt out of certain ad targeting and retargeting services with the third-party advertising networks directly.

To meet legal requirements: Algomage may need to use the information to comply with legal requests such as court orders, requests by public authorities, and any other appropriate legal mechanisms.

5. How do we share the information we collect?

Third-party Service Providers: Algomage may share your information with third-party Service Providers who provide and support our Services. Algomage will only share information that is necessary for the third-party to complete the service and require them to use the information in a manner that is consistent with this policy. Examples of Service Providers include hosting and content delivery services, customer support management services and payment processors.

User’s instruction: Algomage will share and disclose the personal information only on your instruction, provided they are part of the functionality of the Services and they are in compliance with applicable law.

Change in business: In the case of a merger, acquisition, financing, reorganization or sale, information collected may be shared on the basis that it is subject to standard confidentiality arrangements.

To comply with the law: Information may be disclosed if it is deemed necessary to comply with the law and court order, to protect the rights of individuals and to fulfill law enforcement requirements.

Marketing: Algomage may share information with third-party advertising networks (such as Facebook and Instagram) in order to deliver relevant advertisements to you and to manage our communications with you. Algomage does not use your content for this purpose.

6. How does Algomage protect the information we collect?

Algomage follows industry standards on the management of personal information. Algomage employs technical and administrative safeguards intended to protect against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration and disclosure of personal information. Algomage maintain security measures such as the use of redundancies and employ firewalls to protect against unlawful access and network vulnerabilities. No method of storage and transfer of information over the Internet is absolutely secure, while we have safeguards in place, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.

7. Data Retention

Algomage will retain your information for as long as the app is active or as long as needed to provide with the Services. Algomage may also retain and use your information in order to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, to enforce our agreements and to protect our and others’ interests. We may continue to store your information for a reasonable amount of time after you cancel your paid subscription or become inactive, in the case that you wish to reactivate your account.

8. International information transfer

As part of providing the Services to you, your personal information might be transferred, stored or processed in a country other than where you are located. Algomage will ensure the transfers will be completed in compliance with mechanisms that are recognized under the relevant Data Protection Legislation as providing an adequate level of protection for data transfers.

9. Your Rights

You have the rights over your personal information. Subject to any exemptions provided by law, Algomage takes reasonable steps to allow you to access, correct, amend, delete, port, or limit the use of your personal information. If you are located in the European Economic Area (EEA), we will normally collect personal information from you only where, a) we have your consent to do so, b) where we need your personal information to fulfill a contract with you, or c) where the processing is in our legitimate interest in providing the services. In most cases, if you do not provide the requested information, we will not be able to provide the service to you. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact the User you interacted with directly --